Veneto Books. The widespread review of editorial culture of the Venetian Publishers Association is back

The format sees the creation of a series of events in the regional territory
promoted by Venetian publishing houses in collaboration with cultural institutions
As part of the initiatives promoted by the Venetian Publishers Association.
Association of small and medium-sized publishing companies in Veneto in collaboration with the Veneto Region is part of the widespread review of publishing culture "Veneto Books".
The 2023 edition of the event, which began in June, will continue until December and offers a series of events spread across the entire regional territory promoted by Venetian publishing houses: meetings, presentations, cultural reviews, conferences with authors, journalists, writers, historians, scholars,
illustrators. “Veneto Books ” is part of the various activities of promotion of reading present in Veneto, encouraging broad public involvement and bringing alive collaboration between all the protagonists of the regional cultural panorama. As is the case with other regional initiatives such as the
Reading marathon "Veneto reads" and the "Regional Pact for reading in Veneto", "Veneto Books" is also among the activities supported by the Veneto Region to talk about books and publishing and to create a network that puts book culture and reading, tools for individual growth
and social life of citizens.
The events are dedicated to Veneto and its culture, history, artistic beauty and Venetian civilisation, but also to historical-social current events and, above all, to the varied editorial production of the various publishing houses in Veneto. During the organized events there will also be readings by
professional actors and musical interludes to offer the public the opportunity to enjoy the encounter between the written and recited word, music, as well as exhibitions and writing and illustration workshops.
The meetings and presentations of the event take place in institutional venues, in bookshops and libraries and involve a wide audience. The initiatives and meetings that make up the format are organized in collaboration with some institutional entities in the region, with cultural associations
which already organize cultural events and with the involvement of bodies, institutions and associations that work in the area, of the municipalities that host the presentations, as well as of the libraries and reference bookstores for the different regional areas.
To encourage and encourage exchanges between entities that deal with enhancing the artistic and cultural heritage of the Veneto and, after the notable public success of the 2022 edition, as part of the 2023 edition of "Veneto Books" it was organized, in collaboration with the cultural association “Venetian Villas of the Adige” also the second edition of the book presentation cycle entitled “Villas to read” : the meetings will take place, starting from 14 September and until mid-December, in the elegant rooms of some Venetian Villas located in different areas of the region, in particular between the provinces of Verona, Vicenza and Rovigo.
The organization of this series of meetings and the collaboration between the Venetian Publishers Association and the “Ville Venete dell'Adige” cultural association, which protects and promotes the rich heritage of the Venetian Villas, an architectural, cultural and landscape element unique in the world , are included among the many initiatives of promotion and protection of the Civilization of the Venetian Villas already supported by the Veneto Region.
We also highlight the organisation, in collaboration with the Limerick, Pangea, Zabarella, Libreria dei Ragazzi di Padova bookshops and with the participation of Printbee-Mediagraf Spa, of the "End of Summer Readings" exhibition which will take place in Padua from 30 August to 2 September 2023 where the publishing houses involved, in the evocative setting of the “Campo dei Girasoli” park, will present a series of publications with the participation of professional readers and musicians.
These events too, like all the presentations of "Veneto Books" which will take place until September 29, 2023, will be included among the warm-up events at Regional reading marathon “The Veneto Law ”.
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