Origins of wine in the North East
The use of spontaneous grapes in Veneto has been witnessed since the Neolithic as attested by the frequent findings of grape seeds in the pile-dwelling settlements of Garda, Lake Fimon and recently the Revine lakes. However, we must wait until the 7th century BC to find the first evidence of wine production in Veneto by the Arusnati who produced Rhaetian wine (a native vine now extinct) and Acinatico, the progenitor of Recioto. Some authors have put forward the idea that wine, called ènos in Greek, gave its name to the Venetian population. The Venetians were in fact called, in Greek, Enetoi or Hènetoi. But it is with the Romans, needless to say, that viticulture developed, first in the eastern Veneto, starting from the 2nd century BC. Before the arrival of the Romans (it was 181 BC when the Romans crossed the Veneto to go and found Aquileia) , only wild vines were found, then with the centuriations of the territory (starting with those of Oderzo and Concordia), the Roman colonists began to systematically cultivate vines everywhere.
The cultivation of vines and the consequent production of wine also for food purposes (and not only for special occasions or religious rites as happened in the past) follows the development of two large connecting roads built by the Romans: the Via Annia (131 BC) and the Claudia Augusta (begun in 15 BC and ended in 47 AD, later called Claudia Augusta Altinate) which started from Altino and reached Augusta Vindelicum, today's Augsburg.
Today, the Piave Wine Route, the Prosecco and Vini dei Colli Conegliano Valdobbiadene Route and the production area of the Montello and Colli Asolani wines branch off along the axis of the ancient Claudia Augusta. The Romans concentrated the production of wine for the legions stationed within the borders of the Empire.
The cultivation of vines becomes very important, but in 92 AD the emperor Domitian issues an edict with which he prohibits new plantings and orders the uprooting of the vineyards, reserving the fields for the cultivation of wheat.
Viticulture thus suffered an abrupt stop of almost two hundred years, until the emperor Probus canceled Domitian's prohibitionist edict and vine cultivation resumed. (...)

The typologies
Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG can be tasted in the Brut , Extra Brut , Dry and Extra Dry and Yeast versions, which are distinguished by their residual sugar. This classification offers clues as to how sweet the product is or not, and therefore guides you in choosing the bubbles to taste (...)
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